DNA Barcoding: CCURI Network-Wide Research Project
In 2013, CCURI collaborated with faculty at University of California San Diego to bring the protocols used in the San Diego Biodiversity Project to CCURI partner colleges. Since the initial workshop in 2013, numerous CCURI partner colleges have used the San Diego Biodiversity Project protocols in the development of biodiversity projects on their own campuses.
In 2015, the CCURI expanded the barcoding biodiversity project to include plant barcoding offering training and protocols for both plant and arthropode barcoding, adapted to the needs of community college faculty and students.
As with other successful research projects in the CCURI network the barcoding project is accessible to students on many levels:
Examining a real life problem – what is the diversity of arthropods/plants and how is climate change threatening that population?
Protocol uses basic laboratory skills (microscopes) and moves into advanced skills (PCR and DNA sequencing)
The theory is already taught in Biology and Biotechnology courses
If you are interested in joining the network of community college faculty conducting DNA barcoding research projects in their courses, please complete the affiliate application on the Our Network page
Bio-Rad offers preferred pricing to CCURI Partners and Affiliates on products, including those used for DNA barcoding. Please follow this link to learn more.
The protocols and curriculum developed by CCURI is available for others to use and can be found below.
DNA Barcoding Pre and Post Labs
Website Resources on DNA Barcoding
International Barcode for Life
BOLD Student Data Protocol
Documents on troubleshooting for PCR and Barcoding from the 2015 Lab Methods Workshop on that topic can be found here:
PCR Troubleshooting Presentation
Gel Results - Lab Methods 2015