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Trail Camera Research: Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Anoka-Ramsey Community College will build upon their largest data-generating undergraduate research project, the collaborative and cross-curricular “Wolf Project”. The "Wolf Project"  will analyze specimens obtained by captive wolves at their partnering organization, and will also analyze the Wildlife Science Center by using camera traps in the field to collect data on the presence of wild wolves in the area. The range of wolves has been expanded to more south-central areas of the state. Wild wolves have been known to visit areas near and within the northern-most service counties of the college, as well as near the partnering organization’s location. Fall 2015 semester, Anoka-Ramsey Community College will begin collecting data using their Camera Traps to determine whether or not wild wolves come to “visit” captive wolves, as well as the diversity of wildlife attracted to the sights, sounds, and smells of captive animals.


Fall 2015 semester, Anoka-Ramsey Community College will also begin monitoring local fauna on the campus using their Camera Traps.  Anoka-Ramsey Community College would like to assess the diversity of wildlife on campus, and learn more about how animals use the Anoka-Ramsey Community College Natural Area as a wildlife corridor. This 26-acre Natural Area is comprised of a large closed-canopy forest, and a 5-acre restored prairie area nestled along the banks of the Mississippi River. Multiple animal species including deer, grey fox, red fox, coyote, great-horned owls, bald eagles, osprey, as well as many songbird species, have been noted anecdotally. A fox den has been found, but no data has actually been recorded, tracked, or analyzed in the 50 years the college has been on the grounds.

CCURI is supported through NSF #1524353 

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